Monday, December 10, 2012

How Come Kids Can Ask For What They Want Better Than Adults?

I have come to call it the "Noah Effect" and it has nothing to do with arks, climate change or sustainability of the species. Noah is my son and recently we shared an experience that, in the moment, caused me great discomfort, but eventually it led to great insight for me. You just never know where an enlightening experience will reveal itself.

One day, Noah was sitting with my wife, Alina and me. We were typing away on our laptops while he was watching a video on his digital handheld device. Apparently, he had been YouTube surfing and was watching a video extolling the technological virtues of the newest Samsung Galaxy Smartphone. It seems that he thought it was way cooler than the newest iPhone 5! He was listening to all the benefits of this wonderful new device and then attempted to convince us why we should get him one. He wanted us to offer him 200 dollars to be able to purchase this device. He did not say, "I would like this cool new thing, how can I make $200 by working it off for you?" In that moment, he expressed no offer to want to work for it; it was simply a desire and request for something he really wanted. According to him, it was something he wanted badly and therefore should be able to have it.

My physical response was one of massive contraction, holding back my immediate, indignant response and automatic bewilderment of how it could be that easy to just ask for what you wanted without any consideration for what it took to earn $200. My internal thought was "How dare you think that you can just have whatever you want without working for it." My exasperation was palpable and probably noticed more than I wished it to be. I asked him "Why do you think, as a 15-year-old boy, that you should have the most advanced portable telecommunications device that's on the market?" He simply responded "Because it's the best and it's possible to have if you give me the $200; so why shouldn't I want and ask for it?" My mind immediately connected threads to his recent conservative, political diatribes and I tried to draw an analogy to his ideas supporting national arenas and the need for budgetary restraint and fiscal responsibility, but that clearly was off target and went nowhere with him.

Later on, I spoke with Alina about this conversation and she questioned the strength of my reaction to the event. All I could manage at that time to explain myself was to describe my dismay, dislike and disapproval that such a request could even be made. Certainly the intensity of reaction was triggering something very personal from my own past. It took me until the next day to start to have any worthwhile insight into it.

My next morning's meditation provided the time to allow for a clearer understanding of what had been stirred within me. I contemplated my strong reaction to an adolescent's expression of desire and wanting. What did that stir within me that was so uncomfortable? It was then that I began to recall childhood memories of giving away my room to grandma; of the times I felt guilty for being the oldest sibling and getting opportunities that my sisters did not. All this had resulted in me being very uncomfortable in asking for what I wanted when I was young. It was not that I did not want things, I just could never ask for them straight out. I more hinted at them, even being a bit manipulative about creating ways for my parents to find out what I wanted without having to ask for it. I learned to be fairly satisfied with whatever I was given. Eventually, as I grew older, I felt that a learned acceptance seemed congruent with my spiritual beliefs in finding contentment with what one already has. The discomfort of asking for something and not getting it was, for me, worse than never asking for it at all.

This personal exploration Noah lit a fire under led me to the question "Does not allowing myself to really consider what I want truly help me?" For example, I would love to take Alina away to Italy and Greece for a month long adventure. That is not a likely scenario in the near future, so why let myself really feel that desire when I cannot have it? Is my greater life served by not dreaming large and beyond the current status quo? Does it serve me to not ask for beyond which I am comfortable?

Ultimately it does not. I know that I could trust myself to call forth the passion of a desire and also be able to use wise judgment and right action. I trust that I will not act foolishly or impulsively, but I could dream bigger, more and give greater voice to my asking. I teach an exercise for individuals in the Right Brain Aerobics program that is called Six Impossible Things. This exercise is designed to push one's comfort level by having to write down six things which feel impossible to have or accomplish given the current circumstances of your life, but which you wish to have happen anyway. I made a mental note that it had been too long a time since I had personally done the exercise; probably because of the personal discomfort it brought me. It was time to do more of walking the talk.

The Noah Effect, therefore, has come to mean for me the ability to ask for what I want without any conflicting and restricting mental manipulations that limit it. Of course, I know that it does not mean that I will get it, but it certainly is more likely to happen than if it wasn't asked for on an energetic or verbal expression!

Now I can hold gratitude for something that had once caused me irritation. How's that for shifting paradigms? Thank you Noah for being one of my great teachers. I owe you one - one dose of appreciation that is; not a Samsung Galaxy!

Listen Slowly - The Key to Communication With Your Kids   Mother and Father Know Best! Giving Teen Sitters Advice on Child Behavior   Dropping the Leash   It Takes Creativity To Be Smart   Parental Alienation: Who's Best Interest?   What to Do If Your Child Is Being Bullied   

Give Your Baby Shower Party Favors a Personal Touch

Want to give your guests something besides the usual store-bought baby shower party favors? Want to put your own individual stamp on your baby shower? Looking for giveaways that serve as perfect tributes to your guest of honor and her new little person? Sometimes it really pays to go the extra mile when you want to give your party favors that really special touch. All you need to do is unleash your creative side and brainstorm for great party favor ideas that will complement your theme.

When planning to improvise your own party favors, first you must take into consideration your party budget and your guest list. You may order some plain party favors ahead of time and then modify them yourself. For this you can use ordinary materials like colored paper, ribbon, glitter dust, or paints.

If you want to try your hand at making your own party favors, you may also find your own alternatives in unconventional places. You can purchase quantities of baby socks at Walmart or Target, then decorate them using silk ribbon or fabric paint. These socks can then be filled with small candies for your guests to take home. Another option is for you to pick through the scrap pile of your local fabric store, choosing cute kiddie patterns or bright pastel hues. These cloth scraps can be sewn into pouches or sachets you can fill with your choice of tea, lavender, or bath salts. Other places you can visit for inspiration can include Home Depot, Toys R Us, Michael's, candy shops, bakeries, dollar stores, and maybe even your nearby office supply store!

If you are just not the creative type, you can always take to the kitchen and whip up your own sweets to give out at the shower. You can get your hands on some cooking chocolate, lollipop sticks and simple food molds in shapes like baby bottles or teddy bears. Following the instructions for preparing the chocolate, you can make your own baby shower candy for the guests to nibble on when they go home.

The most thoughtful baby shower party favors are often those that pay their own small homage to the mother-to-be herself. If your party favors are not already following a specific theme, you can style them after one of the mother's favorite things or pastimes. Does the guest of honor love to write? Give out cute little memo notebooks with thank-you notes scribbled or stamped into the front page. Is she an avid gardener? Packets containing seeds of her favorite flowers, fruits or other plants can be a great match for her. Maybe the mother-to-be enjoys artsy hobbies like needlepoint, scrapbooking or jewelry making. You can come up with small kits filled with art supplies like crayons, buttons, stickers or stamps for your guests to take home.

One of the more popular baby shower giveaway trends are for baking enthusiasts known for their famous recipes among friends. Hosts will acquire a number of large empty jars or canisters. These jars will then be filled with the dry baking ingredients for a favorite recipe like chocolate chip cookies. The jars are then sealed and tagged with a copy of the recipe. Guests will be given each of these jars to take home, allowing them to whip up their own delicious, freshly-baked goodies.

Tips on Preparing Healthy Baby Shower Foods   Unique Baby Shower Gifts For Baby   Big Hooded Towels Help Bath Time Remain Fun and Comfortable for Toddlers   Some Effective Tips on How Not To Throw a Baby Shower   Types of Baby Stickers   

Working With Professional Lawyers Towards Efficient and Expedient DUI Case Resolution

If you have been charged with driving under influence offense, you could be searching for a criminal defense lawyer in your area who has the knowledge and power to help you settle your case. If this event involved an auto accident or lead to substantial damages or injuries, you most definitely called the police to the scene and filed a police report. As many cases have it, every little detail must be carefully recorded, regardless of the fact whether you know you are at fault for driving after consuming alcohol or completely innocent.

If the fact of driving under influence has been established and recorded by the police officer when you got stopped, do not release any unnecessary details or information when asked - the first thing you should do is search for and contact a qualified attorney capable of handling this potentially criminal case professionally, especially if there is a hearing pending or required.

During the first meeting in the attorney's office, a free consultation is provided in order to go over and clarify all of the relevant details regarding DUI violation incident. Various options will become available after going through this information and discussing them with the lawyer.

The lawyer handling your case will decide based on the review if the DUI case can be successfully handled or whether the chances of successful defense are slim and more work needs to be done as far as finding a legitimate base for defense. If the case is dealing with the other party's fault and injuries or damages were caused to the client because of the DUI occurrence, the lawyer will be able to talk with you and tell what you could request as a claim and what kind of compensation you are entitled to as a victim of this experience caused my other party's unlawful behavior or negligence.

Depending on the circumstance surrounding the case as well as the ultimate goals you contacting attorney for and case you are trying to resolve, many outcomes are possible, so the detailed framework and plan of action will be a function of particular circumstances and nature of DUI that lead to the car accident, damages or personal injuries and affected your rights or created legal charges against you.

The severity of the legal liability and punishment or compensation also varies based on circumstantial evidence presented to the judge or (and, at other times and in more serious cases, to the jury) and will result in different types of actions and strategies of the attorney working on your case. As far as the law is concerned, the attorney firm has the best ways at their disposal to offer services in order to deal with the legal system and suggest to you the best possible way to successfully handle this case no matter what the level of complexity is. Regardless of the expected outcome, such as when it is defense strategy or trying to get compensated when being the victim of the DUI incident. The law firm attorney or attorneys will be able to come up with the best representation and solution strategy to help you.

It is important to remember that driving under influence case usually involve many aspects of laws and regulations for the lawyers to take into account to be prepared for the hearing. The chances of successful defense or claim settlement are very low when you try to act on your own. Ramifications of wrongly conducted defense strategy can be severe and impact not only your driving record and financial freedom, but also lead to legal complications if you do not work with a professional on finding resolution from the very early stages.

General Practitioner Lawyer Vs Focused Practice Lawyer   Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force   Selecting a Criminal Defense Attorney   What Is an SOC Agreement in a Criminal Case   What You Should Know If You Were Criminally Accused   

All You Need to Know About Custom Home Builders

Everyone will have a dream where they live in their own house designed for their own needs. Some people will decide to pursue this dream because they want their own space for their family or they may want a nice space to retire in. Either way, it's important to hire the right custom home builder to ensure that the house is built to the right specifications.

Custom contractors will let an owner pick favorable sizes and preferable designs of their rooms along with the layout of the rooms and other facilities. They will do everything that is needed for the development of a home according to the owner's wish and instructions. Having a custom built home will mean that the owner should have control over the style, layout, materials, and appliances of the house.

When scouting for a reliable customer builder, the first thing a consumer wants to consider seriously is their budget. They need to choose how much they wish to spend, and what they would be prepared to sacrifice or change to stay within the budget. When a budget is decided, the contractor may have a better idea what they can do with the budget and what kind of facilities can be availed with the budget.

When considering a contractor for a home, the consumer must do their research. Consumers should consult the BBB, look for online reviews, ask for suggestions from friends or relatives to help find a custom builder that can be trusted. They may be able to get the contractor to sketch up several ideas or see if that contractor's style matches with the owner's expectations. It is also imperative to make sure that the builder is legally bonded and it has all of the correct insurances before agreeing to work with them. And, of course, ask for a quote. It will give an idea about how much it may cost to have a custom home built by the builder.

A customer can assist their home building contractor by providing them with collection of photographs or samples from different sources like magazines or newspapers. The consumer may use the Internet to find out a specific design for their home. The design will help the contractor to have an assumption about what is needed and what isn't. Maintaining an easy communication with a home builder is highly important. It makes the task a lot easier. Besides, a prompt decision can be made if proper communications are maintained between a custom home builder and their client. Therefore, having a home phone number or home address of the custom home builder is hugely important nowadays.

Keeping in contact is highly important for any custom home builder client. With proper communication between a custom home builder and their client, deadline can be maintained quite easily.

To conclude, a custom home builder plays a huge role in building custom homes. However, the owner has to make sure that the custom home builder they have hired is highly experienced and efficient in building custom homes.

Custom Home Builders - Why You Need One   10 Steps to Owning Your Log Home   Why Every Step In Planning Your Home Construction Is Exciting?   Using Dry Ice Blasting to Prep Your Concrete   How To Save Money on Construction   

How Wide of a Cut Can a 10 Inch Miter Saw Make?

One question that a lot of people have when they are buying a miter saw is just how wide of a cut can be made with this particular saw. In this article we will look at how big a cut a 10 inch miter saw can make since they are by far the most common size. We will also discuss what you can do if you need to make a bigger cut.

A standard 10 inch miter saw can handle cuts of up to six inches in most cases. There is however some variation in this so you will have to check your particular saw. If you look at your saw blade you will notice that it is wider in the middle than it is in at the bottom or the top, clearly the closer to the middle of the blade you can get when you are making the cut the wider you will be able to go. Some saws allow you to go deeper than others, particularly if you are using a compound miter saw. This will allow you to get another inch or so. That being said you should probably not expect to get more than six inches with a 10 inch miter saw.

One thing to keep in mind is that the six inches that you get refers to a straight cut, this is something that a lot of people don't think about when they are buying a miter saw. They assume that because it can cut six inches they will have no trouble cutting a 2x6, this is not however the case. If you cut a miter on a 2x6 the distance that you have to go is going to be a lot longer than six inches. If you have a 10 inch miter saw you should assume that a 4x4 is the biggest piece that you will be able to cut.

If you do find that you have to cut a piece that is larger than six inches and all you have is a 10 inch miter saw you do have a couple of options. The first is that you can simply cut as far as you can and then flip the piece over the finish the cut. The downside is that not all angles can be cut this way. The other issue is that lining up the cuts can be a problem, although a laser on your saw will make things a lot easier.

Another option that you may want to consider if you have a piece that is a little bit too big for your 10 inch miter saw is to use a piece of wood to raise the cutting deck. This will allow you to get closer to the middle of the blade which will give you more distance. Not all saws have the motor mounted high enough off the deck to make this possible so you will have to check if this is an option with your saw. If you do use this method make sure that you attach the wood firmly to the deck so that it does not slide around while you are cutting.

The above methods for making cuts larger than six inches with a 10 inch miter saw are stop gaps that you can use if it is something that only happens occasionally. If you are going to be making cuts of more than six inches regularly you will want to make sure that you get a saw that can handle them. Basically you have two options, one is to move up to a 12 inch miter saw, the other is a sliding 10 inch miter saw. Most people will find that the sliding 10 inch miter saw is the better choice for their needs.

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What Is the Best Cordless Drill?

Working is our duty everyday. To finish our job, we will need some tools to help us. By having and using the best tool that can help us in our job, the task can be achieved more efficiently and effectively.

For example, construction worker need some great tools such as drill, hammer, saw and many others. Based on some researches, drill is seeked out by many people nowadays. Not only construction worker but a lot of home owners would like to buy and own a drill at their home. By having a drill at their home, they can finish some jobs easily.

Generally, there are two types or two kinds of drill. They are cordless drill and corded drill. Each of them has their own advantages and disadvantages as well. A corded drill is powerful and can be used as long as you want. You won't have to worry about the battery. The bad side of corded drill is the limited are to achieved. Because of the cord, you can't access anywhere you want.

A cordless drill is better for most people. Because they found that it is more flexible. It is portable so you can bring it anywhere you want. It can access more area than the corded drill. Besides that, cordless drill is also easier to store and need no cable. For those reasons, many people are now switching themselves from corded drill to cordless one.

Talking about a cordless drill, there are several choice of voltages that you can choose from. There are 9.6 volts, 10.8 volts, 12 volts, 14.4 volts, 18 volts, 19.2 volts and up. There are also several popular brands in the market such as Milwaukee, Bosch, Makita, Dewalt and Black & Decker.

Each of those brands has their own types as well. Some popular types of them are Milwaukee 2691-22, Dewalt DCD760KL, Black & Decker HPD18AK-2, Dewalt DC970K-2, Bosch 36618-02, Makita BHP452HW and Makita BDF452HW.

One of the best cordless drills is the Dewalt DCD760KL 18 volts which is very powerful. One of the added value of this powerful drill is the lightweight point. It weighs only 4.0 lbs which can minimize user's fatigue when using it to get their job done.

Besides that, another great point of this drill is the longlasting battery performance. By this feature, user can use it for a longer time without needed to worry about running out of battery. Dual speed range is another useful feature of Dewalt DCD760KL 18 volts drill. You can adjust the speed to the one you need when getting the job done.

This drill has many good reviews from customers who have bought and used this drill. Most of them are very satisfied with the performance of the drill. By using Dewalt DCD760KL drill, they can finish their job more easily and quickly. Compared with their previous corded drill, many people have proved to get their job done more effectively and efficiently. That is why Dewalt DCD760KL is considered as one of the best cordless drills in the market nowadays.

Taking Care Of Your Air Compressor For A Longer Life   Get The Best Quality With CMT   The Beginners Guide To Buying A Generator   Plastic Grommet - Protection Unlimited   Rental Opportunities Around the World   Choose the Best Home Ladder   

The Injury Requirement of a Medical Malpractice Case

Medical malpractice is more prevalent than most people would care to know. According to the Institute of Medicine, nearly 100,000 patients die each year because of medical malpractice. Another 1.5 million are injured as a result of a medical professional's negligence.

If you are injured or your health is compromised by a medical professional's negligence, your case may qualify as medical malpractice and you may be entitled to receive compensation for your medical expenses, time off work, future medical costs, pain and suffering, and more. An experienced attorney should review your case to see if it meets the legal requirements for medical malpractice.

Legal requirements

Duty of care

In order to show a deviation or violation in the way a doctor cared for you, you have to show that the doctor had a responsibility for your care-a "duty of care" for your health. If you gave your permission to a doctor or hospital to treat you and you received treatment, then the physician or hospital recognized your request for care and duty of care has been established.

Breach of duty

All doctors are held to a reasonable standard of care. Providing care that is less than that standard of care constitutes breach of duty. To prove it, your attorney must show that your doctor acted or failed to act as he or she should have under the circumstances. This often requires input from other medical professionals of similar specialty.

Injury to the patient requirement

If a doctor was negligent, but nothing happened to your health as a result of that negligence, you do not have a case to bring to trial. In order for malpractice to be present, there must be an injury or medical issue that was caused by the physician's actions or lack of action. Any injury lawyer will tell you: the more significant the injury, the stronger the malpractice case.

Causation tied to medical negligence

To complete the case, your lawyer must prove that the doctor's negligence directly caused or contributed to the injury or condition you now suffer. If negligent care does not exist or cannot be proven, it is not a strong malpractice case. Count on your attorney to formulate a strategy to prove causation in your malpractice case.

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The Best Car Insurance to Suit Your Lifestyle

The law requires for car owners to have their cars insured. It is thanks to this requirement that car owners have been able to meet different needs that usually arise during accidents. We can't deny the fact that accidents do happen every now and then, especially when we least expect them to happen. The best thing for us to do as car owners is to be prepared for them, when they strike. The only way that we can be prepared for accidents on the road is by ensuring that we take up the right insurance policy that will not only meet our needs but will also ensure that our interests come first.

An insurance policy is usually a combination of various types of coverage. Each type of auto coverage is different from the other and this is why a little understanding of the different types of auto coverage will go a long way in ensuring that one finds exactly what will suit his or her lifestyle. An insurance policy may include one type of coverage and may leave out another and this is why knowledge on the various types of coverage is important. The number of car insurance providers has risen sharply over the years. Thanks to this reason, the number of auto insurance policies providers has been on the rise.

The internet has also become quite a valuable tool in as far as finding insurance quotes is concerned. Thanks to the internet, one can now easily get auto insurance quotes online. Unlike the olden days where one would only get the quote when he or she took a visit to the insurance company, it is now possible to compare different auto insurance quotes online without spending a dime. Apart from comparing the quotes, it is now possible to compare the features of each insurance policy and finally decide on the one that completely suits your lifestyle.

Many tend to go for only the cheap auto insurance quotes. It should be noted that one should ensure that the policy suits his or her needs and also his or her lifestyle, before he or she considers the price. This means that cheap auto insurance quotes online may not be really the best option. The best option for you is that which suits your lifestyle fully. For you to get the best auto insurance quotes online, you need to keep your needs first. This way, you won't regret a thing.

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Podcasting - Great Internet Marketing Tools For Affiliate Marketing

So you've heard about podcasting and you think it might be something to add to your bag of internet marketing tools...but you're not sure how it is going to really benefit you. Why are podcasts good? Do you have to have your own product? Can you use podcasts to promote affiliate products?

Podcasts Build Relationships

One of the things I like about podcasts is they help you build relationships in a way that the printed page...or a website...can't.

What sets the podcast apart-and I know this seems obvious--is the sound. So you want to take advantage of that. Have some animation, some excitement in your voice.

The voice is pretty powerful way to connect with other people. On a podcast you are talking about things that you are really excited about and people hear that excitement...they hear it in the tone of your voice, in the words you use...the emotions are carried with the audio in a way that is harder to get from the written page or website.

Podcasts Establish You as the Expert

Podcasts are a way for you to really set yourself up as an expert. There's a certain mystique to podcasting. You know, it is like having your own radio show, so it is pretty cool.

So you have your podcast on training dogs or internet marketing...whatever you niche is, right? Suddenly you are considered an expert-because you are the one with the podcast. Podcasts still aren't quite as mainstream as blogs, so there is still something a bit special about being a podcaster.

You give your podcast and people listen to it...and as long as you give good content, people are going to listen...and they will tell other people about it.

Podcasts Work with Affiliate Marketing

You don't have to have your own can use podcasts to promote affiliate products. I did that with my very first podcast. It was really cool. I bought a domain name and used that URL for my affiliate link and of course I earned money from the sales of the product I was promoting...that's what affiliate marketing is about.

If you want to do affiliate marketing with podcasts, one way to go about it would be to interview the person whose product it is you are promoting. That's what I did for my first podcast.

But another thing you can do is set up a review. People love to hear reviews. You can pick something in your niche to review and tell what you like and what you don't like about that product.

You could even have two people talking...kind of like the Siskel and Ebert movie reviews. Give two different reviews on the topic of the day-which could be a pretty cool way to do a regular series.

Podcasts are great internet marketing tools because they are a way for you to build relationships. When you build relationships you will grow your business. You can use them to promote anything-your own products sure, but you can also use them for affiliate marketing.

How to Make Money Online With Simple, Easy Podcasts   Try Out New Podcasting Tools For Better Podcasts   Get Your Podcast Featured - Traits of Podcasts That Get Featured   6 Strategies to Use When Podcasting   

3 Paint Jobs That Impress

Spring time is the time of year when we gear up to tackle the back yard and begin to prepare for the warmer months ahead. This year, instead of sticking with the normal routine of filling in the garden, mowing the lawn and cleaning the deck, consider giving a new look to your outdoor furniture. After a long sit during the winter months, outdoor furniture can begin to look dull. For just a few dollars you can spruce up your furniture and bring it back to new condition. Instead of restoring it to its old colors, you can apply a new color treatment that will have the furniture changing colors each time the light hits it.

#1 Transformation One: Fresh Furniture! Today through modern advancements you can now purchase your paints in a spray can, rather than having to buy a can of paint and brushes. This year would be a good time to throw in some colors you might never have thought of and get that wow factor from family and friends. Metal chairs and tables can become a piece of art work with color shift paints. These new sprays contain advanced light interference pigments which allow the appearance of many different colors just with a change in movement. This effect works well on metals, wood, glass and plastic, making just about anything in your back yard able to be transformed.

#2 Transformation Two: Any Outdoor Item! Furniture is not the only thing you can transform. Since this spray can be used on nearly any outdoor surface it will work great on a bike, helmet, swing set and sand box too. Once it has dried your items will be restored to their original luster. In one afternoon you can literally change your back yard from drab to divine and eye popping.

#3 Transformation Three: Your Automotive Items! This spray can also be used to bring back a shine on automotive items as well. Your garage shelving can also be addressed, giving your work space a whole new feel.

For a fun look, try the SP Galaxy Blue Color Shift Spray! With any aerosol product always use in a well-ventilated area to avoid over exposure to toxic fumes. Read all packaging instructions for proper use and storage and always keep out of reach of children. Be sure to wear rubber gloves and goggles. If you should come in direct contact with the spray in the area of the eyes and nose consult a medical professional immediately.

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You Are Never Too Young to Make a Will

Taking your health seriously is an important step toward protecting your family. Whether you are a provider, a caretaker, or a combination of both, your family depends on you to complete their lives. Taking the proper steps to live a healthy lifestyle is important to making sure you are there for your family. Eating right, exercising, and visiting your doctor on a regular basis all help keep you healthy and able to provide for your family. Even with all those precautions, though, you can never account for the unexpected. Thousands of people die each year from car crashes, house fires, and other unexpected events. Many people tell themselves they are too young to have a will, but without a will, those unexpected tragedies, or even unknown health events could leave your family in a bad situation. Having a current will gives you the security of knowing you are prepared if the unexpected happens.

Drawing up a will is not just for the elderly. As soon as you have any assets, such as a car, a home, a retirement plan, or anything else of value, or as soon as you have a family, you should start thinking about your will. A will gives specific instruction on what should be done with your assets should you pass away. It should specify how any debts will be paid, who will receive the contents of bank accounts, life insurance, and other tangible property. A will also specifies how your assets should be split between family, and what should happen to your children upon your death. Who will care for your children, where will they live, and how will they be financially supported are important questions you don't want to leave unanswered should you pass suddenly.

Drafting your own will isn't a good idea. Legally, your will is a binding document that must be followed exactly. Forgetting important details or failing to properly document your will could leave your family in the midst of legal trouble in a time of grief. Finding the right attorney to assist in drafting your will is important. You need to find someone experienced in all aspects of writing a will, someone who can explain to you what you should consider when planning your will, and why each step of the process is important. Once you find the right attorney, they should help guide you through the process, and ensure all the proper steps are taken. No one wants to think about what will happen after they die, but planning for the future should offer you some security, and let you focus on what's important, taking care of your life.

Are You at Risk? Practice Concerns and General Legal Issues   Keeping Insurance Proceeds Out of Your Taxable Estate   Tips in Making a Family Tree for Your Estate Plan   Retirement Planning: It's About More Than Just Finances   How to Include Your Pets in Your Estate Plan   

Breaking the Law and Calling It Persecution

How many times have we seen it? We go out to lunch or shopping with our families and on some street corner there is one or two people with big signs that read "Your going to hell", and our stomachs churn because part of us wants to resonate with the biblical reality that many people will be separated from God in an awful eternal state of punishment. However, the means by which these people go out and beat people over the head with fire and brimstone is completely antithetical to the Bible's admonition for us to speak the truth in love. Do not misunderstand me, I believe in a literal hell, but telling a nonbeliever about hell should always be in the context of the gospel presentation. You might ask "what on earth does that have to do with a story on persecution"? Well, in order to answer that question let me tell you what exactly happened with Mr. Salman.

Michael Salman and his wife live in Phoenix Arizona on about four acres of land. He is a Christian and likes to have people over for bible studies every now and again. In fact, he likes having these bible studies so much that he built a two thousand square foot facility on his front lawn to mitigate his growing "bible study". He then proceeded to put a big cross with a bible board (you know the things that other bible study groups with their own large buildings have out front to put scripture and announcements on). Now what does it sound like Mr. Salman built on his front lawn? Which consequently is very visible from the neighborhood street. Well, I can tell you what the municipal authorities thought in the greater Phoenix area: they thought Mr.Salman had constructed his very own church in his front lawn, which was strictly zoned for residential purposes. In fact, this sounds like a very logical conclusion from the municipal authorities. However, Mr. Salman did not see it their way. So, after repeated warnings, and consequent refusals to comply with the county and state ordinances he was sentenced to sixty days in jail.

If you go to the article posted at the bottom of this page you can read about how Mr. Salman has cried persecution in light of the governments action. He has done various interviews and appeared in several articles in order to make the American people aware of the new wave pf tyranny that is coming to the church. After all, to quote Mr. Salman, "I was just trying to have a bible study in my own home".

Now, let's do what we do with all our stories and try to examine this from a biblical perspective. 1st Peter 2:13-14 says this "Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake, whether to the king as supreme, or to Governor, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of those who do good.". Now drop down to v.18 where the context changes a little, but the theme remains the same:

"Servants be submissive to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle but also to the harsh, for this is commendable, if because of conscience toward God one endures grief, suffering wrongfully." Now, here is the really relevant part: "For what credit is it, when you are beaten for your faults, you take it patiently?" Michael Salman did not have the Government come to his house in the middle of the night, throw a hood over his head, and drag to a rural concentration camp in the mountains like they do to Christians in China. Michael Salman did not have the government fly airplanes over his new church and drop bombs on it like the Muslim regime currently in power in Sudan. He had a run of the mill government employee send him a letter politely asking him to follow the proper channels for commercial zoning. In response to the governments request, Michael Salman refused, and created unnecessary tension and hostility between him and the government by saying that they were infringing on his rights by singling out his church and engaging in some kind of conspiracy to shut it down. Clearly, he violated the biblical exhortation to submit to the ordinances of government to the best of our ability, as long as they do not contradict scripture (Acts 5:29 "We ought to obey God rather than men"). This law however in no way contradicts scripture, and therefore Mr. Salman broke the law, refused to make recompense and is now being punished.

To bring it back to my original comment on hostile, unnecessarily aggressive evangelism, the real tragedy, in both instances, is the reason that I believe them to be analogous. The world looks at these people who bombard the lost with hell and judgement quite unlovingly, and quite removed from Christ and Him crucified and they say, "Man, are all Christians like this"? Similarly, the local and state governments are looking at Michael Salman and saying, "My goodness, are all Christians this non-compliant, and so quick to make much of nothing"? In both instances, a behavior is exhibited which the culture believes to be the norm for fundamental Christians (or Christians who take God's word literally and seriously). They see a people over and over again who are irrational, unreasonable, and unloving. Do not get me wrong, there are plenty of Godly people who strive to exhibit these qualities, but we must be more concerted in our efforts to "live Godly in Christ Jesus" especially before such an ungodly culture. In fact, the truth is that God has said that "all those who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution"(2nd Tim. 3:12). Perhaps it is the utter lack of true persecution from the culture against the those claiming to be Christians that is ultimately the greatest indictment against American Christianity. Just a thought.

You can read the article that the Christian post did on Michael Salman at:

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Best Children's Books: Ten Top Selections for Pre-Schoolers

Children have cherished books for centuries now. They love books for different reasons. Sometimes their reasons even stump us adults. The following are ten carefully chosen books books for pre-schoolers, though some a little older still like them. We adults may struggle selecting books for children because we are looking for a plot or story line-we are maybe looking for excitement. But pre-schoolers want something they can understand, something fun, something with which they can identify, maybe something cuddly and comforting.

1. Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak, tight in its language yet exuberant in its pictures. When Max is trundled off to bed without his dinner, he imagines an adventure in the land of the Wild Things, where he meets a raucous collection of fanciful beasts. After some monster fun, he becomes homesick, awakens in his bedroom to find a piping hot supper waiting for him.

2. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, by Laura Numeroff. Oh, that starving little mouse. Once you give him the cookie, you kick off a crazy trail of action! By the end of the story, the mouse, the boy that gives him the cookie, and maybe even the reader, are exhausted! Wonderful illustrations and a kooky lead character.

3. The Snowman by Raymond Briggs is the only wordless tale in this list. A great book to begin getting a child interested in reading. A memorable story of a boy who makes and then befriends a snowman who enters his world and takes him out on a nighttime journey. The non-conclusive ending can also furnish a great beginning.

4. Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. The author apparently accepted a wager that he couldn't write a story using only fifty words. "Do you like green eggs and ham? I do not like them Sam-I_am." This book's repetitive phrases, simple drawings and goofy charm make it one of the favorites and also a book to help kids learn how to read..

5. Curious George by H.A. and Margaret Rey. The has got to be the world's most beloved monkey! Curious George has had many thrilling adventures in his day, but it all starts with the first one, which has become a classic. Of course, we've got to introduce a new generation of readers to this crazy troublemaking chimp.

6. Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey. Watch out for citified ducks... A great read aloud, this tale of two mallards who decide to raise their family in the Boston's Public Garden is an all-time favorite. Beautiful drawings and a great story have made this story one sought out by thousands.

7. No, David! by David Shannon. As little David somersaults from one outlawed activity to the next, with his mom shouting the title, David's naughtiness is quite impressive. Believe it or not, this kid's book has a "real" soundtrack: the text is drawn from a book the author produced when he was 5!

8. Blueberries for Sal by Robert McClosky. As Sal and her mom head toward a patch to pick blueberries, so do a mother bear and her cub. Eventually the young set swap moms for a cockeyed adventure tale and a comedy of errors. Kids like it.

9. The Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle. This colorful classic depicts a very hungry insect eating his way through an apple, two pears, three plums, and a collection of other treats. Part of the trip includes readers learning about colors and counting-plus the added benefit of an intro to the life cycle of a caterpillar.

10. Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. The story of a boy and his mom. While the mother continues to rock her boy to sleep-even if she must sneak into his bedroom to do it-life continues through stages as he grows up and his mom grows older. Eventually, he rocks his own aged mother to sleep. A touching cycle-of-life tale that may bring a tear to the eye.

So, parents, grandparents, teachers, and other assorted readers, here are ten sure winners for pre-schoolers. I hope it helps you in the unending quest for the love and satisfaction of the young-uns.

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Crane Scales - Smart Weighing Devices

Crane scales are of immense importance when it comes to weighing lighter or heavier things. We use them almost in your daily life even without noticing their importance. In commercial settings, heavy and robust scales are used to weight even thousands of pounds. An ordinary low class scale can weigh up to 3000 pounds or 1360 kilograms. Crane scales are more commonly called as digital hanging scales or digital weighing scales. Its mechanism is quiet simple. All you need is to hang the scale on some rigid and strong surface. The bottom part of the scale is a hook where you will be hanging the weight to weight.

These scales are designed and manufactured in variety of shapes and capacities. There are a lot of American and European manufacturers of this small and smart instrument. Almost all crane scales are equipped and powered with two AA size batteries. These batteries are used to supply power to the digital side of the instrument. Normally, these batteries last for 200 hours. The scale can also automatically switch itself off if nothing is weighed for more than 3 minutes. In some smart devices, this time is adjustable. Similarly, you can adjust the weighing unit in your instrument to weigh things in your preferred standard.

The best thing about these crane scales is that they are extremely precise. Therefore, like other precision instruments, they need to be kept away from harsh and extreme weather conditions. Similarly, you should make sure that the scale does not get moisture. Since it is an electronic device, moisture can possibly destroy its whole circuitry. Similarly, electromagnetic fields can have a direct effect on improper measurement of weight. You might need to relocate your scale if is not weighing properly. You can learn about these and a lot of other precautions from various sites on internet.

Buying a scale is quiet easy and simple. There are tons of websites selling these precision instruments at very reasonable prices. Due to online competition, you can get a good quality crane scale with capacity up to 25,000 x 20 lbs in under $1,100. Analog variants are way cheaper but people mostly prefer digital devices as they are more accurate. When you have bought a crane scale, you should calibrate it before weighing anything. These instruments come with manuals or booklets with a step by step guide on how to use them.

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Taking Care Of Your Air Compressor For A Longer Life

Nothing at all stops an air compressor faster than the owner who doesn't read the owner's manual. There's likely to be some simple tips inside to, that will help you to get good longevity out of your air compressor. Simple things to do which you would not have believed to complete if you don't study it.

Plus, if you do not stick to the guidelines in your own compressor manual there's an opportunity that you'll void your warranty.

As we know, air compressors are located in houses, small businesses, services stations, or perhaps in large industries. Their usage ranges from dust cleaning to hefty industry usage and gas turbines. These also play an important role within the correct operation of many tools.

Your receiver tank collects moisture from the air that it's compressing particularly if you live in a humid climate. Most tanks have a valve to get draining this moisture that accumulates and it's up to you to make certain that they are drained frequently. Before draining the water you should be sure to release the valve and the air pressure from the tanks. Verify all of your hoses periodically because they are the veins of the air compressor. If they turn out to be cracked or corroded they might quickly begin to leak after which place undue stress on the rest of the compressors elements. Make sure to verify them and change them if you find them cracked or broken. There should be a shut down for safety button, check this works regularly. The purpose of this technique is to shut off your compressor if it's heating up to much or if the engine's oil is getting a bit too low. This check will help you make sure an extended life for the compressor is long-lasting. If you are running a compressor that uses oil you should be checking it on a daily basis or before uses to make sure that your machine is topped up with oil. Changing this oil is to make sure the compressor functions smoothly giving your tool a longer life. If your heat exchangers are dirty then they cannot do their job, which is to lessen the working temperatures of your compressor. Clean them frequently and also hard-wearing. Air compressors are tools that take in air and then compress and store it in a compressed form in a tank so another tip is to check the tank over regularly for wear and tear. These tools are equipped with a tank that holds the compressed air inside.

The tank has the capacity to withstand all the stress the air applies within it so it is very important to check it over to prevent accidents.

By using ideas the above you'll ensure a nice lengthy lifestyle for the compressor, additionally the roles that you use it to receive goes faster and more productively.

A properly maintained air compressor will work smoothly for years to come, but only if the compressor is maintained. They are definitely an excellent tool to have for just about any occupation, trade or workshop, so maintain yours and it be running smoothly for years to come.

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